Orchid Meaning

Learn About Orchid Meanings

Article about Orchid Meaning by A. Ibu

Meaning of Orchid
Orchid flowers are known for their exotic character and delicate beauty.  There are approximately 25,000 different types of naturally existing orchids, and this number would apparently increase as more types being discovered each year.  This makes orchids as one of the largest flowering plant families. 

In general, orchids symbolize love, beauty, fertility, sensuality, strength, wealth and luxury.  If the orchid is white colored, it means purity and wholeness.  The flowers are long lasting and elegant, suitable as the perfect gift for many occasions.  This flower also believed to have protective and healing properties. 

The ancient Aztects used orchids combined with vanilla and chocolate to make a drink which believed to give their warriors strength and power.  In the ancient China, orchids were popular as a cure for respiratory problems.

The name of the orchid originally came from ancient Greece, where the flower is a symbolic of lust, wealth and greed.  For the ancient Greeks, orchids are also associated with virility and fertility.  They also used this flower to determine the gender of a baby.  The father would eat a large orchid tuber if they wanted a baby boy, and as the opposite, the mother would eat a small orchid tuber if they wanted a baby girl.

Orchids are also perfect flowers to be given to someone who is sick, as the flowers can stand for healing and good health. 

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