Geranium Plants

How to Grow Beautiful Geranium Plants in Your Garden

Executive Summary about Geranium Plants by Larry Truett

geranium plants
Of all the flowering perennials you can grow, common garden geraniums are one of the most dependable. They are often seen surviving around old abandoned homes after most other perennials are long gone.

Plant your geranium in full sun to partial shade. Be sure to wait until danger of frost has past before setting your geraniums in the soil. Geraniums are generally healthiest with good air flow, so be sure to space your plants at least eight inches apart.

Be sure that your soil is well drained, and is nice and humusy to provide nutrients for healthy leaves and flowers. Remember that these are perennials, and so you should prepare a fairly large hole even though your transplants are small. While they do not like to be wet, your new plants will benefit from a weekly watering whether from rain, sprinklers, or a hand carried watering pot.

You can obtain your own geraniums by propagating from a cutting, purchasing them from a nursery, or by growing from seeds. This is a fun way to get geraniums, as geraniums are generally a lower priced plant available in a variety of colors.

Adding Color to Your Garden Or Home With Geranium Flowers

Executive Summary about Geranium Plants by Thomas Fyrd

Geraniums are bright and colorful flowers, and they are very popular. If you want a few colorful flowers to brighten an otherwise boring flowerbed, consider traditional geraniums with bright red blossoms.

Double flowered varieties or geraniums with variegated leaves, among many other types of geraniums, are also excellent choices for adding color and interest in a small space. All of these varieties of geraniums share some common characteristics.

When choosing a geranium plant, you should examine the plant carefully. Choose one that is short and bushy instead of tall and stringy, even if the shorter plant is not blooming. The shorter plant will be healthy, and will blossom more in the long run.

Once you select and purchase new geranium plants, water them before planting. Then, carefully remove the geranium out of its plastic pot. If it is a little root bound, gently pull the roots apart so that they can have room to grow in the new pot.

Further in the growing season, fertilize your geranium with plant food, and pinch off any faded blossoms. If you properly care for your geranium, it should flower all the way until the first frost in the fall.

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Tulip Bouquets

The Words of a Tulips Bouquet

Executive Summary about Tulip Bouquets by Ioana Iacob

tulips bouquet
Having a tulips bouquet in the house is the perfect pop of color and scent that will bring a smile on anyone's face. Because they bloom in mid to late spring, tulips are great for holding on to a season that symbolizes rebirth, but also for reminding the world that warmer times are yet to come, as it dives into the hot summer.

These flowers are said to be the ultimate declaration of love, and have a Turkish legend to support the claim. It is said that when a Turkish prince found out that the girl he loved died, he committed suicide, as he could no longer bear to live without her. After his death, the place where he lay was covered in red tulips, for one grew from each drop of his blood.

If you'd like to arrange a tulips bouquet by yourself, there are some things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, if you buy them packaged, then don't take them out; rather, keep them like that overnight, so they will be straight when you arrange them.

Another thing you have to remember is that tulips are quite unique, because they have the rare ability of growing after they were cut. When you have finished selecting the flowers, bring them closely together, and cut any stems that are not aligned.

Bouquet Tulips - Lucky New Garden Trend?

Executive Summary about Tulip Bouquets by Dave Pipitone

A modern garden trend is planting multiple-blossom bouquet tulips. Some of these varieties have four flowers on one tulip plant. Discovering two blossom and three blossom tulips is a surprise in the garden, as well. But they do exist.

Just so you know, a common tulip plant yields one flower per bulb. That is the way it has been for hundreds of years. In hundreds of thousands of gardens around the world.

Today, with modern science of hybrids, you can buy and plant bouquet tulip bulbs that grow two, three, four, five and even six shoots for every tulip plant. Bouquet tulips come in orange, red and yellow varieties.

Bouquet tulips make excellent tulip arrangements of cut flowers. Make sure to cut the main stem with a sharp knife at an angle. When you cut the tulip plant stem at an angle, you are allowing the plant to drink more water.

Put two or three stems in a vase and you have a beautiful bouquet of tulips greeting you in your house. Cut tulips in a vase can last between four and seven days.

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