Knockout Roses Colors

Beautify With the Color of Knockout Roses

Article about Knockout Roses Colors by Nick Murry 

Color of Knockout Roses
Knockout roses are shrub roses that have been bred with attributes to make their maintenance easier, but they certainly wouldn't have become so popular if they didn't have such vibrant colors. The average person has many options when picking an aesthetically pleasing flower for their garden, but if disease, climate or pests are an issue, they may prefer a more resistant breed. Knockouts are a good choice, but in the beginning were limited with the colors that were available.

They started with the Rosa "Radrazz" original knockout rose. Although it's a brilliant rose, if you wanted the quality of a knockout you were limited to the original's cherry red color. The red expanded to the pink knockout. Afterwards, they expanded even further to light pink (blushing), the pink with yellow center (rainbow) and the newest, which is creamy yellow (sunny).

Different colors of roses have different connotations when giving as a gift. Of course, these meanings can be individualized based off pleasant experiences involving roses. (For example, having distinct memories of a beloved Grandmother who always kept white roses in her garden may remind you of her when you see white roses). But there are other more generally agreed-upon emotions tied to the colors that some of us might prefer to convey when growing them. All of the knockout roses' colors are good in nature, (in fact the only unpleasant color I can think of is the supposed black rose which symbolizes death.)

The original and double knockouts are red and convey feelings of love. The pink and double pink reveal a sense of gratitude or happiness. Blushing can be interpreted as being empathetic towards others or having openness with emotions. The yellow sunny presents the warm feeling of friendship and the rainbow is a combination of contentment and caring.

Whatever emotion you want convey, knockout roses do a good job at getting a pleasant message across. William Radler, the creator of knockout roses, is constantly working on breeding new and improved versions and you can bet that there will be more genius flowers in the future.

No matter which you choose, you can enjoy the same maintenance free attributes as the original. Click here for more information about Knockout Roses.

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