Names of Roses

Names of Roses

Executive Summary about Names of Roses by David Spelling

Rose Names
The name rose originates back to the Old Persian period and slightly deviated over time through different eras of Greek, Latin and French.

The Names of Roses can come from anything but usually has something to do with the color, a person or event. In addition to the roses being listed by color and common names, they will be also categorized by type or class (bush, climber, miniature) and perhaps the zone they grow best in.

Miniature roses for the color white could be Angelita, Popcorn or Whiteout while tall could be Madame Hardy, Prairie Star or White Maman Cochet. 

The color orange brings into play Bambino for the miniature class, Sunset Boulevard or Sunbonnet Hue for the Tall roses. 

The purple category is quite large of which you can find names of Lavendaer Dream, Purple Passion or Tuscany Rose.

Some of the more fascinating roses are the ones that are multi-colored. The names that are given to some of this variety are: Bella, Hocus Pocus, Luxor and Marmelade. 

List of Names of Roses

Executive Summary about Names of Roses by Candis Reade

Roses are the common flowering plants in almost every garden. Their flowers come in different colors like pure white, cream, red, yellow, and even green. 

The list of names of roses is organized according to their colors or common names. Roses are available in red rose varieties, pink/purple/dark pink varieties, orange/peach varieties, yellow rose varieties, green rose varieties, white/cream/ivory roses, mixed colors/variated roses, and spray rose varieties. 

The green rose has the least number of varieties named F Green, Supergreen, and Amandine. Red Roses has the Black Beauty, Black Baccara, Amore, Jaguar, El Toro, and more. 

Pink rose lovers can have the Ravel, Cool Water, and much more. If you like peach or orange roses you can find the Amsterdam, Lambada, Mercedes, Glitter, etc. The April, Sphinx, New York, and Sunbeam are the common yellow rose varieties. The white roses that symbolize purity are the Silk, Beach, Aquafresh, and more of this kind.

Some varieties may have mixed colors. They are the Alliance, Royal Renate, Circus, High Society, Full House, and many more. Another rich variety, the spray rose variety has the Macarena, Surprise, Lemonade, Santa Rosa, Tamango, and many more. 

If you are planning to have your own variety through cross breeding, you have to start in breeding the varieties that grows well in your area.

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