Azalea Tree

Training And Shaping Bonsai Azalea Trees

Executive Summary about Azalea Tree by Wilfred Danifield

If you are the owner of a Satsuki Bonsai Azalea tree then you will find that training it is most interesting. 

The best time in which to practice training is after the plant has just completed flowering, which is mid-September to October. If training is done in the early season, the branches will become fixed and you can be released the plant from the copper wire coils in Autumn.

There are six or seven different types of copper wire that are used. You can choose from No.1 to No 23 depending on the thickness of the trunk and branches. 

It is best to start training when the bonsai azaleas are still young. The plant should be three to four years old before cutting. The diameter of the trunks should be about an inch. Never wrap the copper wire too tight as this will damage or even kill the plant.

As a precautionary measure the branches and trunk may be covered using hemp fiber before wrapping with copper wire. 

The Satsuki Azalea tree must be trimmed prior to flowering as the new growth will break the harmony of the form or it may become too dense. When such growth is removed, new growth will emerge from the point of cutting. 

Growing an Azalea Bonsai For Your Home

Executive Summary about Azalea Tree by Marcin Doliwa

The azalea bonsai is a popular variety of bonsai that most people love due to the striking quality and color of the flowers. However, though the trunk makes the azalea bonsai look like a tree, it is in reality a shrub found in a variety of regions ranging from dense forests to alpine tundra. 

Two main species of this azalea are used to make azalea bonsai - the Satsuki Azalea and Kurume. The former is known due to its twiggy quality and funnel shaped flowers that range from colors like white, pink, red to even purple. 

The Kurume Azalea is characterized by most of the same qualities, except that they bloom in spring like most other plants and tress.

The great thing about this bonsai is that it does not require too much of direct sunlight, so you can keep it indoors as long as you place it somewhere where it can receive both air and indirect sunlight.

An azalea requires a damp soil and you should take care that the soil in the bonsai pot never runs dry. 

You should feed your growing bonsai once in every two weeks. However, you should stop feeding it when the plant is in bloom. Careful pruning and trimming of the leaves and flowers is also required.

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