Growing Orchids Indoors

Growing Orchids Indoors

Executive Summary about Growing Orchids Indoors by Carl Harrison

Growing Orchid Indoors
Growing orchids indoors takes some time, patience, and proper knowledge to successfully have beautiful orchids hanging in your windowsill. The thought of growing orchids may seem very challenging even thought the fact of the matter is growing orchids is a simple yet easy task to complete. 

If you are planning to grow orchids indoors you may need to have some orchid soil or medium to place inside of your orchid pots. These pots will hold your orchid as well as the soil that will give your plant the proper nutrients as well. 

During the summer place your orchids on a windowsill that is protected by a curtain or any other type of transparent material. When winter comes around be sure to keep your flowers away from the windows as they could bring in cold air and may harm your flowers.

If you have an old tray laying around you are going to need it. Place inside of this tray a level amount of gravel or small rocks. Put water into this tray that is below the top of the gravel line and then place your flowers on top of the rocks. Once you get the water at the right level then you can leave your plants there and they will receive the right amount of humidity they need. 

Growing Orchids Indoors - The Seven Best Choices of Species

Executive Summary about Growing Orchids Indoors by Roberta W Smothers

Most of the best indoor orchids are hybrids that have been designed for just such domestication and they are purposely engineered to produce spectacular blooms and colors. Most of them are also what are known as Epiphytic plants, meaning that they have their root system above ground and can thrive on tree trunks, moss, and other organic structures. 
  • Epiphytic orchids are watered by drenching them and then allowing them to drain.
  • They need good air circulation, and feed off of nutrients found in the air.
  • A good way to remember how to fertilize them is; during the growth stage fertilize weekly (weakly, as in 50% strength, weekly as in once a week).
  • Orchids have a paradoxical need of light. They need a lot, but not too much.
  • Orchids need humidity, but it is not practical to make your home a steam bath.
When considering what species is best for your home, the 7 best choices for Growing Orchids Indoors, are;
  • Phalaenopsis - Known as the "Moth Orchid," it is fairly cooperative and tolerant of room temperatures and moderate lighting.
  • Cattleya - Unlike most orchids, they do enjoy direct light.
  • Dendrobiums - This is the largest genus of the Orchid family.
  • Oncidiums - They can tolerate direct sunlight a little more than others such as the Phalaenopsis.
  • Miltonia - These orchids are not fond of direct light and should be shaded at all times.
  • Epidendrum - They can be treated much the same as the Cattleya.
  • Paphiopedilum - Also known as the "Lady Slipper Orchid," these are thirsty orchids, and during the growing months they may need watering up to twice a week.

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